Five Card Story: My best trip

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a Five Card Flickr story by Caleb created Aug 21 2024, 12:38:16 am. Create a new one!

flickr photo credits: (1) bionicteaching (2) Serenae (3) (4) bionicteaching (5)

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One day, I decided to take a trip around the country and try to do different things in different areas. I packed my belongings, left my house, and got on a plane to Arizona. I finally arrived a few hours later and got hit with a heat I’ve never felt before. I stayed for 2 days and within that time I spent a lot of time walking around admiring the different nature and enjoyed the sunsets. It became time to leave so I went to the airport headed to my next destination, which was New York. Once I arrived I was welcomed with an amazing dinner and some fine wine. I made a 3 hour road trip to upstate New York to a family farm and picked fresh vegetables and kept a basket of carrots. The son of the family left the farm and found a huge tunnel underground and we all decided to go inside. There were surveillance cameras set up so we were told to leave after being seen at the sight of the tunnel.


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flickr photo credits: (1) bionicteaching (2) Serenae (3) (4) bionicteaching (5)

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