Five Card Story: A world made with a pathway of pictures

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a Five Card Flickr story by A'mari J Banks created Aug 23 2024, 11:22:05 pm. Create a new one!

flickr photo credits: (1) Serenae (2) (3) bionicteaching (4) cogdogblog (5) bionicteaching

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Jakkari wiped the sweat off his forehead and shielded his eyes from the shining summer sun this hot afternoon. It had been a long walk from his house to the old church, fifteen blocks away if one was being technical, and the tired boy was thirstier than a fish out of water. After a few moments of rest, Jakkari stretched his longs and gingerly tugged his camera out of his bag, smiling as soon as he saw the different stickers decorating it like badges of honor. He wasn't as talented as his older twin brothers, who were experts in piano, or his baby sister who he had never seen get less than an A on a test. But he was proud of his accomplishments in photography. He thought back fondly at the memory of when his parents first bought his camera, that day he knew that his family would always support him. Together, they had transformed the old decrepit attic of their small house into a personal room for the young artist to develop and store his pictures as well as work on any projects. After his small reprieve, Jakkari scanned the large building. His eyes working like small cameras themselves, searching for the perfect shot that would guarantee his entrance into the liberal arts academy on the far end of town. As he took a step forward to study the vibrant colored stained glass window, Jakkari tripped on his untied shoelace and dropped his camera. He anxiously picked up his tool of advancement, looking for any serious damage and sighed in relief as he found none. That's when he found it, the perfect subject to impress the teachers at his would be new school. A beautiful arrangement of tiles in varying shades of green with delicate white detailing that made the art feel intricate and layered. Jakkari chuckled at the irony that he would've never made this discovery if he hadn't dropped his camera. He quickly took around 5 pictures of the artistic flooring and then five of the windows as a backup and proceeded to head home to develop the photos. The boy spent hours that night, choosing which photos he would send the entrance exam committee and finally went to sleep. Jakkari still looks at this set of pictures every morning before heading to his advanced photography class, where he has some of the best times of his life.

The End.

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flickr photo credits: (1) Serenae (2) (3) bionicteaching (4) cogdogblog (5) bionicteaching

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