Five Card Story: The Beatiful World

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a Five Card Flickr story by MBW 4period created May 29 2009, 03:00:42 pm. Create a new one!

flickr photo credits: (1) nessman (2) D'Arcy Norman (3) lesliemb (4) kairós (5) bgblogging

about this story

The beatiful world br,tree house, swiming, giting a monkey, and rideing a scooter. The beuitiful world I wonder what other beuitiful partes of the world.The world holds all kind of beuitiful thing.But some people in the world make it hard for the world to be beuitiful.But we can change this we can have a beuitiful world.And the world needs to give room for the animals in the forist.I'm not writing this becuse of my teacher.I'm writing this for the world. The world needs to see that the world probubly the world want be around very much longer. We need to exseaped that we can't all was can't have our why.We need to be better than we are today.This should be the world that every things beuitiful.And one more thing we need to stop haveing wars!

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flickr photo credits: (1) nessman (2) D'Arcy Norman (3) lesliemb (4) kairós (5) bgblogging

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