flickr photo credits: (1) D'Arcy Norman (2) lesliemb (3) D'Arcy Norman (4) Rachel Smith (5) nessman
a Five Card Flickr story by Mare created Jul 13 2009, 10:33:38 pm. Create a new one!
Mare was excited to share her story with Michelle. She began by sharing a story about her dog's Smoozy's latest adventure. As usual Michelle is always sketical about anything that Mare says especially when she is talking about her dog. Mare began her usual tale of Smoozy's adventure filled with fanciful details on his latest conquest. She began " You know Smoozy had just completed a trip around the world with Louis Armstrong. While people stand around tracking him. He visted many exciting places. He explored a hole in the ozone layer, the exact spot that cause JoJo, his best friend to contract skin cancer last year. Michelle roll her eyes in disguss. "Come on Mare, you expect me to believe that" Mare continued " After spotting the hole in the ozone layer and went on a bus tour in China. Smoozy was amazed to actually find the air clean and clear. Therefore he decided to stop at a bakery and enjoy some delicious bear biscuits. The biscuit got him so woozy that he decided to take a nap in his favorite couch.
Michelle walked away shaking her head.
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