Five Card Story: Life

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a ds106 story by Pandora created Feb 28 2011, 11:33:41 am. Create a new one!

flickr photo credits: (1) mg79mkiv (2) paulhami (3) tyszka7 (4) jasonkgreen (5) aallingh

about this story

Sometimes life leaves you feeling a little hazy, hanging on by the tips of your nails, small issues are blown out of all proportion, you feel like withdrawing into a cool solitude to simply get off the merry go round. Then an angel is sent and you gain the heart to rise to new challenges, one foot in front of the other to learn, love and live another day

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flickr photo credits: (1) mg79mkiv (2) paulhami (3) tyszka7 (4) jasonkgreen (5) aallingh

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