Five Card Story: Stuart Squirel

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a Five Card Flickr story by Markie created May 24 2013, 06:52:20 pm. Create a new one!

flickr photo credits: (1) Serenae (2) krutscjo (3) krutscjo (4) goddess_spiral (5) bionicteaching

about this story

A long time ago there was a squirrel named Stuart.Stuart's favortite food was pizza. He would not eat anything besides pizza.He starved some days even. He lived past the Bridge to Teribithea where the beautiful pink flowers bloomed.

By the tree where Stuart lived there was a psychic. The psychics name was Billy. Billy had came to Stuart when he was on his morning pizza search and told him about a war. A war with old people.

The old people invaded Teribithea. They came to Stuart and squirrel-napped him. They kept him in solitary and totured him by eating pizza in front on him. Stuart died from a broken heart.

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flickr photo credits: (1) Serenae (2) krutscjo (3) krutscjo (4) goddess_spiral (5) bionicteaching

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