Five Card Story: Yearning for Home

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a Five Card Flickr story by Simon Williger created Apr 05 2016, 02:56:23 pm. Create a new one!

flickr photo credits: (1) bionicteaching (2) bionicteaching (3) bionicteaching (4) bionicteaching (5) bionicteaching

about this story

Angus woke to the sound of his the L-train passing by, as it always did. He had only been in Chicago for two weeks, but to him it felt like two years. He longed for the days that he would see his family again. And to see the thousand shades of green once again. As he gazed across the room he could see the small trinkets he had brought over from home. Taking in each breath and minute detail of it all. He began to rise. Before he knew it he was out on the street again. The cold, hard, street. Not a single passer-by gave him the slightest "hello" or even a "goodmornin' to ya lad". Angus despised this city, he regretted making the trip. As he went on his way to his class he noticed a "lost dog" sign on a tree. Without even knowing this animal, he felt a connection. Not only are you cold and away from home, you feel locked in a cage. A cage that keeps you from making your way back home. He sat on a ledge to put all of his thoughts together. Conflict after conflict, he realized he could not leave Chicago until the semester was over. So he vowed he would find a view just as beautiful as his thousand shades of green. Angus stood tall for the first time in weeks, and with all his might he waved down a cab. Using what money he had went to millennium station. He knew the closest place that could be brighter and greener than this dark city was a landscape that had been growing longer than man has. With only a few hours past, and eight dollars had been spent. He steps off a train and turns around to find himself gazing at a treeline as green as a cucumber. Angus walks out to it and lays on the ground with his eyes closed. Once he opened them he realized, he had found a bit of home once again.

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