Five Card Story: The Strange bottle

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a Five Card Flickr story by Krysta R. created Feb 11 2019, 03:30:50 pm. Create a new one!

flickr photo credits: (1) bionicteaching (2) bionicteaching (3) bionicteaching (4) bionicteaching (5) bionicteaching

about this story

A dog was digging around in the ground when he found a glass bottle with a strange liquid inside. While bringing his new treasure back to his home, a drop of the liquid falls inside his mouth. The dog is now able to make complex ideas and control objects with his mind! With his new power, he sets off to the Party city of Vegas to put his new powers to use. The dog now goes by the name Fabio and is a gambling machine.
Fabio now setting off with his millions floating behind him, decides to hit up a voodoo shop to see what liquid he had drank only a few hours ago that was turning him less and less into a dog as the hours went by. The voodoo man told Fabio that what he had drank dated back to the 18th century and if he wanted to have a chance at staying a dog, he had to go see the old witch deep in the swaps of Louisiana. By morning, when Fabio reached the swamps, he had figured out that the potion he had drank was turning him into a different being. He hurried as best his little legs could carry him to the witch's home, but when he got to her house there was no one to be found. As Fabio was turning to leave he saw the silhouette of what looked to be a woman, as he creeped closer it turned out that his suspicions where right. As he told the witch what he had done she was mixing her ingredients together getting ready to tell him what he had to do. The old witch told Fabio that if he drank the potion she had made for him, he could remain a dog and would be transported back to his home and family but he would have to leave this life behind as well as his new powers. If he chose not to drink the potion he would become a beast but still have his powers and his riches. Fabio had a choice that could change his life forever, the question now is what will he choose?

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