Five Card Story: Death in Mexico

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a Five Card Flickr story by Finley B created Aug 18 2021, 03:36:11 pm. Create a new one!

flickr photo credits: (1) shareski (2) bionicteaching (3) bionicteaching (4) bionicteaching (5) bionicteaching

about this story

Headed to Mexico I was so excited for a girls trip to get away from home but now I'm dead and forever wishing I never left my home. There's nothing better than to share my story. It was what felt like a normal day. Day 5 on the dream vacation and I have never felt more alive. I went on my regular morning run but decided to explore the other side of the beach. I soon realized that was the worst idea I could have ever thought of. It was dirty, there were so many homeless people and the whole situation just felt very eerie. That's when I noticed a man chasing me. I had nothing. I left it all on the beach chairs. My shoes, phone, glasses, everything. I ran faster and faster as I tried to get away but he sure did catch up to me. I saw his face, felt a needle in my leg and next thing I woke up in a car driving down a highway. We drove for what felt like hours and pulled up to a dirt road. Nothing around no one to help me. I sat in the car screaming for help trying to get out. He was threatening me. Realizing now, even me listening never helped me out of death. I sat helplessly and prayed someone would find my stuff and report it. I should've been in the pool getting tan and hanging out with my friends. But instead I was in a car about to get killed. So after I sit there wondering if I will live another day. I am forced out of the car. In the middle of nowhere surrounded by fields. I could not understand a word he said but he yelled and yelled and I could ot understand what he wanted at the time. Not knowing any Spanish made the situation worse. He pulled out a gun and asked me the question. I did not know what he said. I tried to communicate that but instead I was shot. Shot on a vacation in mexico away from everyone who cared about me.

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