Five Card Story: Circus to Zoo

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a Five Card Flickr story by Amari Rogers created Mar 23 2023, 01:50:21 pm. Create a new one!

flickr photo credits: (1) bionicteaching (2) bionicteaching (3) Serenae (4) Serenae (5) Serenae

about this story

It was a bright and sunny day when we found out the circus had come to town right outside our city's infamous Zoo. My little sister wouldn't stop talking about it once she heard the news and our parents thought today was a perfect day to attend. When we first arrived there were inflatable clowns outside the entrance of the tent. This scared my sister and I tried to console her, but nothing worked and eventually, we just went and looked at other events and activities that were present. We stop at a little petting area where the children could pet smaller animals like bunnies, chicks, etc. My sister has always loved bunnies so this was perfect for her. I will say, I was a little surprised at just how fast the bunny calmed her down. Watching her play with the animals and smile was nice to see and my parents and I couldn't stop taking pictures of her. We then left this activity and went to another one where we got to play a bowling game. The instructor explained to us that whoever knocked down the most pins in one try would get a prize. My parents went and they knocked down little to no pins which made my sister and I laugh. Then it was my turn and I knocked down 8 pins. I was ecstatic! I thought for sure I had won this but when my sister went she was able to knock down all the pins in one go. I was so confused but was happy for her in the end especially once I saw the prize. My sister had won 2 toy cars that had little figurines inside of them. They were cute and perfect for her. After this we went and got food at the concession stands available before we started heading for the zoo which is my sister and I's favorite place to go together. Here, we saw of course many animals, but the ones that interested me the most were the gorillas and the capybara. Each time it's a different animal or animals that I leave obsessed with. My sister really wanted the capybara as a pet and my parents tried to explain why the wouldn't be a good idea, but I just told them to let her dream. Once, we finished the zoo my sister and I played on the playground that was there before heading to the car where we both fell asleep on our way home. Fair to say, we had an amazing day as a family and I can't wait until we get to do this again next year!

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flickr photo credits: (1) bionicteaching (2) bionicteaching (3) Serenae (4) Serenae (5) Serenae

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