Five Card Story: Rhett and the 65 Corvette

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a Five Card Flickr story by Joel Fravel created Jun 13 2024, 04:18:14 pm. Create a new one!

flickr photo credits: (1) bionicteaching (2) bionicteaching (3) bionicteaching (4) Serenae (5) bionicteaching

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Junior officer Nick Shurman had mixed emotions about returning from his six-month deployment. Although it meant that he would get to see his beloved dog, Rhett, named after a character in his Mother's favorite movie, whom he missed dearly, it also meant that he would have to face the inevitable reality of his grandfather's passing. Nick had basically been raised by his grandfather. He had taken Nick fishing, camping and even taught him how to restore an old 1965 Corvette. In fact, his Grandfather was the one who had gotten Nick a puppy to help him through the loss of his parents. Nick was devastated when he received the news as he was in the middle of the Indian Ocean on a training exercise. While home, Nick began to go through the stack of mail that had built up in his P.O box. One particular letter caught his eye. It was from his Grandfather. The letter explained how proud he was of Nick and all that he had accomplished. The envelope also contained a set of keys to a 1965 Corvette.

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