flickr photo credits: (1) bionicteaching (2) DavidDMuir (3) spacedlawyer (4) Serenae (5) Serenae
a Five Card Flickr story by Amanda L created Sep 25 2011, 09:30:43 pm. Create a new one!
Pat, the big fat cat, went for a stroll one day. Like any other day, Pat liked to walk around the town. Due to his size, the vet recommended he spend at least 3 hours a day walking. As he visited the local coffee shop, he became horrified when he found himself locked into the shops coat closet. The unkind man who found him demanded that he be on his way....Pat thought, "Thank goodness! It was so dark in there!" During his stroll through the park, he admired sunflowers and a pretty lady. Passing through the catholic church, he was sure to stay away from the candles. Past experiences with candles left his tail missing quite a bit of hair! To end his walk, Pat laid on the beach (far away from the water) and rested to the relaxing sound of waves hitting the beach.
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